Paul Baumgarten

Computer Scientist, teacher, freelance programmer and self confessed geek

Sha Tin College coding club

Term 2, 2020/21: Web sites

Building websites with Python Flask + HTML, CSS and Javascript


  • Videos for lessons 1-6 are here.
  • Video for lesson 7, showing how to get your project online, is here.

Week 0 - Getting organised

Week 1 - 28 Jan 21

Week 2 - 4 Feb 21

Download a zip file containing the week 2 files, or get the individual files...

  • Create a static/ folder and a template/ folder inside your project folder.
  • error.html - Save into the template/ folder.
  • icon.png - Save into the static/ folder.
  • login.html - Save into the static/ folder.
  • main.html - Save into the static/ folder.
  • register.html - Save into the static/ folder.
  • index.css - Save into the static/ folder.

Code written during the session:

Week 3 - 25 Feb 21

Term 1, 2020/21: Pygame

Python games programming (Pygame)

Term 3, 2019/20: Python intro

Intro to programming with Python

Software setup


VS Code + Python

  • Download and install the latest version of Python (currently 3.8.5) here - make sure you turn on the tick box to install Python into the path.
  • Download and install VS code here
  • Start VS code. Go to file / preferences / extensions. Search for and install the Python extension. Detailed instructions here if needed.
  • Press Windows and X keys together, and select to open Windows Powershell (Admin). Type the command pip install pygame to install the Pygame library onto your system.
  • Video walkthrough of installing Python, VS Code and how to install packages (though it is targeted to a different course so demonstrates installing packages different to Pygame)