Paul Baumgarten

Computer Scientist, teacher, freelance programmer and self confessed geek


These resources are split into two sections: (1) tutorial series and (2) reference notes.

Tutorial series

If you are new to pygame and are looking for a step-by-step introduction to using it. This series will guide you through creating a classic arcade style platformer game.


  • Download and install the latest version of Python (currently 3.8.5) here - make sure you turn on the tick box to install Python into the path.
  • Download and install VS code here
  • Start VS code. Go to file / preferences / extensions. Search for and install the Python extension. Detailed instructions here if needed.
  • Press Windows and X keys together, and select to open Windows Powershell (Admin). Type the command pip install pygame to install the Pygame library onto your system.
  • Video walkthrough of installing Python, VS Code and how to install packages (though it is targeted to a different course so demonstrates installing packages different to Pygame)

1. Basic template, drawing on screen, movement

2. Animated sprites

3. Simple gravity

4. Tiled map editor

5. Pytmx

6. Change our world view

7. Standing on solid ground

8. Solid walls and ceilings

9. Health and points

10. Ladders

11. Achievements/objectives

12. Portals

13. Sounds, music

Resources for creative commons music and sound effects:


Reference notes

If you don't really need a tutorial, just need a lookup reference to remind yourself how to use a particular pygame feature, then refer to the following document:

Other tutorials, digital books