Got yourself a Microbit? Awesome! They're a great way to learn Python!
Get setup
- Install Mu editor
- Print the Microbit programming reference sheet
- Print the unit progress chcecklist
- Lesson 1: Getting started
- Draw emoji's
- Create your own art work
- Scroll text across the Microbit screen
- Lesson 2: Conditional execution
- Detect button presses
- Keep programs running forever
- Use the accelerometer to detect which way is up
- Lesson 3: Variables and numbers
- Create a counting app
- Create a random number generator
- Create a dice that picks a new number when you shake the Microbit
- Lesson 4: Compound conditionals
- Make a Labryinth style game where you need to keep the marble from falling off the edge of the screen
- Lesson 5: Lists with music
- Use the buttons to pick your mood from a list of 9
- Play music such as Beethoven's 5th symphony
- Lesson 6: Lists with neopixels
- Create spellbinding, colour-filled light displays with an Adafruit Neopixel.
- Lesson 7: Communicate with bluetooth
- Share the love by sending messages to someone else's Microbit
- Bonus: Servo
- Control a servo attached to a 3d printed device to control a machine of your own creation.
- Bonus: Joystick Bit
- Use the Joystick Bit game controller
Sample game projects
Start with a sample game and then adapt it. Add your own music to it, modify the controls, add a Neopixel to indicate scores.
Project ideas
- Make a pinball game! - example this is cool!
- LED grid tetris game - example
- LED Neopixel analog clock - example
- LED Neopixel binary clock - example
- LED Neopixel clothing - example, example2
- Fitness step counter using Accelerometer example
- Bluetooth morse code transmitter example (use the buttons to transmit dot/dash/space, convert to letters on the receive end. add a speaker for the beeps?)
- Bluetooth game? - example Battleship
- Bluetooth game show buzzers (one controller and speaker, 3 for game show participants)
- Servo motor controlled cardboard candy dispenser - concept example
- LED Traffic lights - example
- Custom game controller using gyroscope - example
- How clean is my pond - example
- Make a musical instrument (use the gyroscope, accelerometer or touchpad) - example
- Bop-it
- Consonant or vowel?
- Obstacles
- Catch the eggs
- Where's the cheese?
- Caesar cipher part 1
- Caesar cipher part 2
- Substitution cipher
- Decrypt a substitution cipher
- Morse code
- Spirit level
- Theremin
- Send a message
- Ping pong
- Rock paper scissors
Reference documents
The following links take you to the various sections of the official Microbit Python tutorials:
- Hello world!
- Images including pre-loaded emoji, do it yourself images, & animations
- Buttons including event loops and event handling
- Input/output using the I/O pins at the bottom
- Music and sound effects (requires a seperate speaker)
- Random numbers etc
- Movement using the accelerometer
- Gestures using the accelerometer
- Direction using the compass
- Storage with files
- Speech making your microbit talk back!
- Network get multiple microbits talking to each other!
- Radio get multiple microbits talking wirelessly!
- Neopixels and wiring guide
Other useful links
- Project ideas
- Other editors and languages you can program the Microbit with
- Microbit API
- Awesome microbit resources list
Other notes
Generic brand neopixels can be found by searching for ws2812b
LED strips.
(C) Paul Baumgarten 2019