Stage 1 - Understand the text of the Case Study

  • Read the case study. Highlight key points.
  • Produce a document and create definitions for the additional terminology listed.

Stage 2 - Understand the technology in the Case Study

  • Find videos which give an overview/introduction to the topic and past them here
  • Find a ‘newsworthy’ article and link to it here
  • Anything you still don’t understand? Ask your questions here

Stage 3 - Consider the scenario of the Case Study

  • Review the Case study as a whole. What is it about? What is interesting? What is confusing?

Stage 4 - Consider the challenges of the Case Study

For each of the challenges faced:

  • Background info on challenge?
  • Why is this a challenge?
  • What are the implications of not being able to meet this challenge?
  • What are some potential solutions to the challenge?
  • Produce summary documents for the issues and technology for each of the ‘challenges faced’

Stage 5 - Relevance of the challenges beyond the Case Study

  • Research and identify real world examples of this challenge being relevant.
  • Produce a document summary of the real life examples and record the citations.

Stage 6 - Brainstorm exam questions (question 1,2,3)

  • Qu 1, 2 - Definition, outline, describe
  • Qu 3 - Explain

Stage 7 - Brainstorm exam questions (question 4)

  • Qu 4 - To what extent, compare, evaluate
  • Essay questions based on the challenges

Stage 8 - Practice essay responses

Review the marking criteria for a top-band response to question 4:

  • A response with a detailed knowledge and clear understanding of the relevant issues and/or concepts.
  • A response that uses terminology appropriately throughout.
  • There is competent and balanced (infers comparison) analysis.
  • Conclusions are drawn that are linked to the analysis.
  • There is clear evidence that extensive research has been undertaken.

Copyright © Paul Baumgarten.