IB Computer Science 2014-2026

Archive of resources relevant to the old syllabus (for examination up to and including November 2026). These materials are no longer being developed.

Course overview

Unit 1: System design

Unit 2: Computer architecture

Unit 3: Networks

Unit 4: Computational thinking, problem solving and programming

Unit 5: Abstract data structures

Unit 6: Resource management

Unit 7: Control systems

Unit D: Object oriented programming

Internal assessment

Case study

HL only

Extended essay

External examinations

Examination Standard level High level
Exam 1: Short answer & structured scenarios. Units 1-7. 45%, 1h30 40%, 2h10
Exam 2: Object orientated programming. Units D1-D4. 25%, 1h00 20%, 1h20
Exam 3: Case study (HL only) n/a 20%, 1h00
Internal assessment: Solution 30%, 30h 20%, 30h
Internal assessment: Group 4 project 0%, 10h 0%, 10h

Table of contents

Copyright © Paul Baumgarten.